
A lot of recent events has occurred that brought me to this conclusion. I think I’ve always known this to be true, but my rather toxic sense of pride has kept me from facing it. 

I have to let go of my past in order to finally move forward.




Everyone has or will experience a low point in their lives, and only by choosing to endure it will they ever see that it does, in fact, “get better”. Fortunately for me, I believe I am finally reaching the end of this low point in my life. I am finally looking past old wounds and dark biases. I am finally, ACTUALLY seeing the light.

My low point is not the most original or winning story. It lasted all throughout middle and high school, hell maybe even started at elementary school now that I look back at it. And it wasn’t even a “hitting rock bottom” type of low point, it was more of a gradual descent into pure and utter unhappiness. 

It didn’t really have much to do with anyone else around me, it was all me. Ever since I could remember, I was always thinking, observing, and analyzing. Whatever kind of social situation I was forced into, I could never feel truly apart of the experience, I always felt like an outsider looking in. I could never just be a normal, blunt, naive, carefree child. I always found myself being too conscious of nearly everything that went on.

I didn’t exactly think anything of it until I started going to Kindergarten. I guess it’s something about being meshed into an institution full of hundreds of other people your age that makes you even more hyper aware of the kind of person you are.

Anyways, every day we all had this little thing called “play time” in Kindergarten in which we could chose from several different play stations to take up that half hour. There was the building blocks station, where mostly boys would play–out of this love of building things just so they can destroy it all in the end. There was the reading station, where let’s face it, no one ever went to. There was the Play House, which was evidently the most popular play station, consisting of a little house you can go inside of with fake cooking sets and stuffed animals and other props to help create the illusion of a home. All the outgoing kids went there, where they selected familial roles for each other to play within the house. It was always crowded and always loud–which is why I never had any interest in spending play time there. 

Finally, there was my favorite play station, the arts and craft station. Only second to least popular–thanks to the reading station–I was usually the only student to go there every play time. I loved drawing because it didn’t require friends or anyone really. All I needed was computer paper, crayons, and my imagination. And I always enjoyed myself.

However, one day my Kindergarten teacher approached me during play time and asked me the questions that I believe started my slow, gradual descent into pure and utter unhappiness:

“Why are you always here alone at the arts and crafts station?”

“Why don’t you ever want to try a different station?”

“Do you want to try maybe playing with everyone else at the Play House?”

Ok, so admittedly I don’t remember how exactly the questions were worded, but I guarantee it went a little something along those lines.

At first, I just shrugged it off I guess. I just told her that I liked drawing more than the other activities, no big deal. But as the week went on, I started questioning myself more about my teacher’s intentions. Even I, as a 5 year old, could detect the concern she had about me. I knew her coming by and asking me those questions meant something more. It meant pitying, it meant singling me out, it meant that I was out of the loop and she was worried why I wasn’t like everyone else.

Why wasn’t I like everyone else…

And so, the descent begins.

Later on that week I even decided to try going to that obnoxious play house just to see if I can finally get why everyone else is so into it. It didn’t help that my teacher was observing this cringing attempt from afar.

So I approached the front of the play house where all these outgoing, loud, annoyingly peppy kids were running around, and messing with the props, and shouting all kinds of things I couldn’t distinguish. I couldn’t get the attention of any of those kids immediately, so I spent a very self conscious, uncomfortable 10 minutes or so fiddling with toy cooking ware and plastic fruits until someone finally noticed me.

This loud girl with blonde hair shouted at me “Hey!” and explained that she was the mother role in this play house and only she can touch the kitchen stuff. I knew how stupid this whole thing was but just went along with it, especially since my teacher was watching me.

I just said ok and asked her what I should be. And here I was thinking maybe the daughter…or aunt…even grandmother or something! But nope of course not, this bitch of a kid told me “You can be the cat!”

The cat.

The mother fuckin cat.

At that point I knew all of my teacher’s concerns are proven true. All the other kids didn’t even really acknowledge me, despite swallowing that insulting–or rather degrading–role I had to play in the “house game”. I even tried to interact with some of those kids, I even faked being all loud and reckless (it was uncomfortable of course, faking shouts and squeals). If even a bunch of 5 year olds could detect that I was different from them, then yeah, that speaks volumes. 

After a while of playing that ridiculous game I just decided to leave back to the drawing station to salvage the fun that was left of the few remaining minutes of play time. Those kids at the play house didn’t even notice me leave, and as I spent the remaining time drawing by myself I tried to purge all of it from memory.

And the descent only continued from there. 

To wrap it up,

I experienced a long period of self loathing, and being in complete denial of it. I used drawing and writing stories as an escape. I developed a short temper and lashed out on anyone who aggravated me. I became uncomfortable and harshly rejected any romantic relationships. I faked the majority of my cheerfulness and personality just so others didn’t have to experience the disturbing amount of unhappiness I felt. I started developing this unwillingness to socialize and make new friends by the time high school rolled around–resenting the idea of school dances and other extra curricular events that involved any form of student interaction. 

The only good thing that came out of my long, long low point was my discovery of fashion and how it made me feel better about myself. I mastered the art of clothes in masking flaws, along with applying my artistic mind into creating my own innovated, creative take on style.

And perhaps, this dark period of my life did help me out a little with my story telling skills…

But anyways, fast forward to present day. Me, 19 years old, almost finished with my freshman year of college.

I have confronted my past, my feelings, my flaws, my demons in all of it’s forms…and I have accepted them.

I realized I spent so much of my time time being angry at my friends and all the other people around me, like people at school, etc. But all this time it was just me. I’ve been angry with myself. Angry that I couldn’t belong. Angry that I couldn’t understand why.

But I get it now, NOTHING is wrong with who I am.

I’m not that different, I know I’m not the only one who experienced this outsider feeling.

I only seemed so different–I only seemed like I didn’t belong because well, I didn’t.

Not here, in this average suburban town.

I’m an artist–a spectator. I’m someone who notices all the things that average people don’t usually care to even acknowledge. But that’s another thing about being an artist. Artists can see beauty in the things that most ordinary people would undermine. Artists can draw attention to even the most unsuspecting, maybe even unappealing thing, and make it beautiful…or at least intriguing!

I had to use this perspective on my own self as well. It took me so long, it’s crazy that I am just now starting to see what a work of art I truly am.

With that said, I can let the frustration

and the anger

and the sadness

and the resentment go.

I will move to a place where I can make everything that I am more useful. A place that can use an artist mind like mine, and not to mention my killer fashion sense. A place where I can apply my story to all my life aspirations and make something of myself.

And when I get there, hopefully by my Fall 2015 semester, I can finally let go of all the remaining dead weights of my past and move forward. Never forgotten, but understood as a learning experience.

The descent, I believe, has finally ceased. And now I’m probably going to go through something a hell of a lot harder:



I am really hurt right now.

Actually no, I’m pissed the fuck off.

I have gone well out of my way–I have compensated so much–just to make sure they don’t ever have to feel the way I do on a DAILY BASIS.

I knew where their self esteems lie, so I made sure to dodge around any possible thing that could trigger that–even if it meant making myself look bad, or even if it meant swallowing my own anger and frustration.

This is all just too much for me to take in now. I feel like I’m about to boil over with all this pent up anger. I mean I deserve better than this right??? I have been such a great damn friend and sister, I have bent backwards and forwards for everyone and yet they treat me with such little regard and (probably unknowingly) say such vindictive things to me. And that’s also the thing, they don’t even think about what they’re saying to me or how they’re treating me. I feel like they have such little consideration for me even though I swallow so much pain for them. It’s just not fair. It’s like they think I’m a joke–like they don’t take me seriously because I’m always the one cracking jokes or not taking their comments seriously and just basically being optimistic as hell!

Is it so crazy that I think I deserve better?! 

Honestly, I wish I was around more people with a fucking self esteem.

I’m tired of trying to deal with everyone else’s twisted personal issues. Just because you all have the confidence of a garbage truck does not mean I have to be dragged down with you to suffer that.

I deserve better…I’m done. I’m out of all this.


Catching Up!

Once again I’ve neglected this blog~ I’ve been spending most of my time with school…and more school…but since I’ve been getting so many classes canceled and days off ((thank you snow!!)) I thought I might as well take the time to catch up with everyone~~

So! First off, I’ve been doing pretty ok. I get more nostalgic and homesick way more often now, but I keep pushing on. It’s all I can do really. I’m just trying to occupy myself with school work and other ((kind of silly)) stuff to get my mind off of how miserable I am living in such a boring place, and how much I really miss Japan.
Because I am after all, just some whiney, emotional, ~*yet charmingly resilient~*, optimistic 18 year old girl–I have distracted myself with BOYS!
And no I still haven’t dated or even kissed a boy ever in my life BUT that does not mean I haven’t admired them like crazy from afar or fantasized about them ahahaha
Guys you should know girls might just be more perverted than you could even imagine I mean oh my godddd

Anyways, so yeah I totally and regretfully passed up on going out with this handsome super cute guy named Juan (WHO LOOKED A LOT LIKE DANNY FROM TEEN WOLF BTW) in my English Literature class last semester (and now I will probably never get to see him again why are college campuses so bigggg???!!) But I have learned from my mistakes….my shy, overly cautious, awkward mistakes….
And now I will try to be more out there and daring when it comes to guys. Well…well not REALLY like I won’t settle for the next boy that walks into the room. I guess I mean the next guy that I actually may sort of like I will at least think about considering…..!
Ok so I’ll still be cautious so what

In my German class this spring semester, there’s this really sleepy looking guy who sits right in the front corner of the class (i sit in the back corner of course…) and I just creep at him from afar because he is so cool looking *u* like his voice is always sleepy and groggy and he has the best back/side-ish profile I have ever seen!
He always has his head turned over at this perfect, like this over-the-shoulder view so he looks so mean and sleepy and cool with eyes sort of slit and just never completely open and like I don’t know I just love it~
He could just be trying to look over his shoulder to see all the people talking behind him but he turns over so much I just like to think that he’s looking at me ya knowww LET ME DREAM

And the best thing is that our professor would always make each and every one us answer her questions (in german of course) with each new lesson. So like with each and every phrase we learn, I find out just a little bit more about sleepy boy!

Day One, I learned sleepy boy’s name is Connor.

Day two, I learned Connor is from Richmond, VA.

Day three, I learned Connor’s major is Biology. (MARINE biology to be more exact because he asked Frau Miskimmin afterwards how to say marine biology instead of just biology WHICH means Connor must really care about this class more than his groggy self suggests since he actually bothers asking ^///^ huuhuuhuu)

So yep that is my brief catchup! I’ll add more stories later when I can remember them ^^)v

End of the Juan Era! Start of the Sleepy Boy Era!!

I define periods of my life by the guys I secretly mack on…
I did tell you guys about Juan right?

God I hope no one I know finds this blog.


You know…

Women are sneaky.
I know I vouch a lot for the injustice of women. I still consider myself an advocate for women’s rights but…in all truth, women are so goddamn sneaky.

There is motive to everything we do–every way we act or portray ourselves is preemptive.
Even as some of us chose to portray ourselves as a weaker, sometimes even less favorable character–it is all planned. For whatever reason we concocted to say and do the things we do, we just do it. For ourselves ultimately.
Sure reasons may be to make a slight towards an enemy, or in most cases we just do it out of this twisted competition we create with other females whom we feel threatened by, or maybe we even do it for male attention.
Either way it’s all potato potáto to me.
We are still ultimately doing it for our own best interest.

Trust me, if women wanted to gain some sort of power, we could as well done it.
But we’re sneaky, remember. We are selfish, jealous, competitive, hostile, self absorbed, and self loathing all at the same time.
We constantly feel threatened by other women, we find underhanded ways to set them beneath us–even if they are friends–no wait…ESPECIALLY if they are our friends.
Women fall because we destroy each other. We’ll be the first to call another woman a whore. We’ll be the first to bully another woman’s esteem. Men think they deal the cards, but that’s only because women let them.

I see it every day. Online more commonly. Especially within social media. And with every passing day I’ve grown to hate it more and more. It disgusts me how much of a snake women can be. And it’s all done in the same kind of method–backhanded compliments, phony cheerful social interactions, purposely insulting themselves to win others sympathy and praise, underhandedly complimenting ourselves and shaming others in the mix.
Typical female game.
I hate it so much.
And I wonder to myself “am I any better?”
“Could I be just like every one else?”
I fight so hard to be different–
to do things differently.
Try not to act on jealousy, try not to compare myself, try not to make these slights towards other women I know, try not to promote myself and downgrade my friends in the process…

But I can’t lie to myself any longer. And in a way I always knew this about myself anyhow. I am no different…I’m not any better. I have made considerable efforts to control these disgusting mentalities and shut out negative thoughts. Without fail, however, they always creep back in.

I am a woman after all right…?…

I’d like to think that acknowledging all this at least sets me a part somehow.

But then again I shouldn’t care if it does. That would sort of take away from the whole point I’m trying to make here.


Some friendships…just…~____~

I don’t know if this is just me, but do you ever have that friend who just always tries to steal your thunder??
Like this has been annoying the crap out of me!!!!
Whether it’s imitating my fashion sense, doing all the things I like to do, and worse…trying to OUT-DO me in those things….! It’s so damn frustrating like yo can’t you just do your own thing??? Like let me have this at least!!! This is MY thing why are you trying to best me in that too??

It’s just not fair 😦


It’s been a WHILE!!

Sorry, I haven’t posted in months!
I guess college is a lot more work than I anticipated.
A lot of growing up has been done, that’s for sure. I still need a lot of work though ^^”’ admittedly…

I’ve been pretty stressed from school, but I think I have coped with it fairly well. I went through this ‘crossroads’ phase that I’m sure the majority of college students faced: aspiring towards your dreams vs. settling with reality.

And at first I decided in favor or practicality and tried to declare my major in Business Management, but when I scheduled my appointment with the Management advisor, he never even showed up!!
I waited…an entire hour…for this guy…
Like seriously you had one job…..
where the balls are yOUUU????

So anyways, as I stood there in front of his office door, it hit me.
Maybe there is a God given reason as to why this appointment totally fell through….
Maybe! It’s because this is God’s way of getting me to realize this is not the path I should be taking! This debacle has made me come to senses, it has opened my eyes to the fact that I am completely abandoning everything I dreamed of for my life, because I got it drilled into my head that I had to be “REALISTIC”.

But you know, I don’t want to settle for a life that sure, is secure and more practical, but like…I won’t be happy…I won’t feel fulfilled.
I know the art and design field isn’t always the most secure or well paid career. But I mean I figure that I might as well take the risk! Go all in and major in Design! Because if I won’t be satisfied with my life, then what’s the point of being stable. I rather roll the dice on this one because art is something that I truly love and feel like I’m actually good at and would love waking up every morning to do for a living no matter what my paycheck is going to be.
I’m not planning on getting married or raising/supporting a family anyways, or living in a huge, luxurious house, or having this high-society lifestyle.
I just refuse to settle for less than what I want out of life.

And this can all actually make me seem even more naive, like as if I haven’t grown up at all.
But I don’t know, in my opinion this is growing. Knowing what I want, as well as realizing the consequences.
If this life is truly meant for me, then it will be. I have faith in this.

Also because I am still minoring in Business Management at least!
I’m not a total incompetent!


Just a reminder that we still live in a racist society.









I wanted to share this because it really just disgusted me. You would think by now America has become more tolerant of the various cultures, races, and religions that may even differ from their own. But nothing has changed. Just the newly advanced means used to further instill this hate.



Friendships am I right

I don’t understand how people can say such awful things like that and yet be completely unaware of how hurtful their words are.
For some reason my ‘friends’ always have the impression that they don’t have to take me seriously //well actually it’s probably because I always go the extra mile to make sure no one knows that things don’t ever get to me// so like they just feel they can make fun and put me down so freely because they know I won’t get mad and I’ll probably just laugh it off and “not let it get to me”.
But you know, that’s still not fair. It shouldn’t matter what kind of impression anyone is giving off–there is never any excuse to make fun of someone in mean ways and make blows to their self esteem.
I know I have done a lot of shitty things, but never that. I would never attack at anyone else’s self-esteem.

And the thing is they’re supposed to be my friends! What kind of friends say mean stuff to you like that?? They think it’s a joke but jokes shouldn’t be so negative like that. “Joking” about how terrible you are at something or poking at your flaws is not funny, you can laugh all you want but it’s just plain mean spirited.

I don’t need negativity and people like that in my life. My friends should be people who you feel better to be around and are fun in the most harmless way and knows not to say awful things that would hurt your confidence.

I’m sorry, I’m just really frustrated about that. They’re so mean. It’s not fair to me I have never said anything to bring down their confidence or make jabs at their flaws. If anything I have been so encouraging! I help them with building their own confidence by helping them with fashion and hair advice and just being really encouraging and making them laugh!

How is that fair??
I deserve better. I’m so mad that it took me this long to see it.


Late night blogging on tumblr does this to me

also i am so tired of being awkward i know tumblr or just the internet in general tends to glorify socially awkward people but it’s really not even as interesting as it may for some reason seem it is not adorable or quirky in a cool way like in anime or on those romantic comedies with j-lo like it is actually THE MOST annoying thing in my life rn i swear i do something so horrifically stupid and embarrassing every SINGLE time i go out in public and am i proud of it???NO is it fun???HELL FUCKING NO IT IS A PAIN IN THE ASS NO ONE TAKES ME SERIOUSLY LIKE YOU THINK I WOULD LEARN BY NOW HOW TO ACT FUCKING NORMAL BUT NO I ALWAYS STILL COME OFF AS FUCKING WEIRD AND I’M JUST FED UP WITH MY COMPLETE LACK OF SOCIAL AND BODILY GRACES IT IS NOT CUTE AT ALL I SWEAR TO GOD I AM FED UP WITH BEING SUCH A LOSER ALL THE FUCKING TIME LIKE NO MATTER WHERE I GO NO MATTER HOW MUCH I TRY TO BE SURROUNDED BY SOMETHING DIFFERENT IT DOESN’T MATTER COS I NEVER CHANGE AND I WILL CONTINUE TO MAKE THE SAME STORY IN NY AS I HAVE HERE IN VA


Just how??

Guys are so brave omg

what I’ve noticed from my week and a half of being in college is that if a guy thinks a girl is cute he would sit as close to her as possible [right next to her if he could] but for me and idk if this is the same for other girls but when i see a cute guy i sit AS FAR as I possibly could from him!! Like on the other end of the room!

I can’t even begin to explain exactly why?!?? Maybe I’m shy but like idk??!?!?!