Catching Up!

Once again I’ve neglected this blog~ I’ve been spending most of my time with school…and more school…but since I’ve been getting so many classes canceled and days off ((thank you snow!!)) I thought I might as well take the time to catch up with everyone~~

So! First off, I’ve been doing pretty ok. I get more nostalgic and homesick way more often now, but I keep pushing on. It’s all I can do really. I’m just trying to occupy myself with school work and other ((kind of silly)) stuff to get my mind off of how miserable I am living in such a boring place, and how much I really miss Japan.
Because I am after all, just some whiney, emotional, ~*yet charmingly resilient~*, optimistic 18 year old girl–I have distracted myself with BOYS!
And no I still haven’t dated or even kissed a boy ever in my life BUT that does not mean I haven’t admired them like crazy from afar or fantasized about them ahahaha
Guys you should know girls might just be more perverted than you could even imagine I mean oh my godddd

Anyways, so yeah I totally and regretfully passed up on going out with this handsome super cute guy named Juan (WHO LOOKED A LOT LIKE DANNY FROM TEEN WOLF BTW) in my English Literature class last semester (and now I will probably never get to see him again why are college campuses so bigggg???!!) But I have learned from my mistakes….my shy, overly cautious, awkward mistakes….
And now I will try to be more out there and daring when it comes to guys. Well…well not REALLY like I won’t settle for the next boy that walks into the room. I guess I mean the next guy that I actually may sort of like I will at least think about considering…..!
Ok so I’ll still be cautious so what

In my German class this spring semester, there’s this really sleepy looking guy who sits right in the front corner of the class (i sit in the back corner of course…) and I just creep at him from afar because he is so cool looking *u* like his voice is always sleepy and groggy and he has the best back/side-ish profile I have ever seen!
He always has his head turned over at this perfect, like this over-the-shoulder view so he looks so mean and sleepy and cool with eyes sort of slit and just never completely open and like I don’t know I just love it~
He could just be trying to look over his shoulder to see all the people talking behind him but he turns over so much I just like to think that he’s looking at me ya knowww LET ME DREAM

And the best thing is that our professor would always make each and every one us answer her questions (in german of course) with each new lesson. So like with each and every phrase we learn, I find out just a little bit more about sleepy boy!

Day One, I learned sleepy boy’s name is Connor.

Day two, I learned Connor is from Richmond, VA.

Day three, I learned Connor’s major is Biology. (MARINE biology to be more exact because he asked Frau Miskimmin afterwards how to say marine biology instead of just biology WHICH means Connor must really care about this class more than his groggy self suggests since he actually bothers asking ^///^ huuhuuhuu)

So yep that is my brief catchup! I’ll add more stories later when I can remember them ^^)v

End of the Juan Era! Start of the Sleepy Boy Era!!

I define periods of my life by the guys I secretly mack on…
I did tell you guys about Juan right?

God I hope no one I know finds this blog.