I am really hurt right now.

Actually no, I’m pissed the fuck off.

I have gone well out of my way–I have compensated so much–just to make sure they don’t ever have to feel the way I do on a DAILY BASIS.

I knew where their self esteems lie, so I made sure to dodge around any possible thing that could trigger that–even if it meant making myself look bad, or even if it meant swallowing my own anger and frustration.

This is all just too much for me to take in now. I feel like I’m about to boil over with all this pent up anger. I mean I deserve better than this right??? I have been such a great damn friend and sister, I have bent backwards and forwards for everyone and yet they treat me with such little regard and (probably unknowingly) say such vindictive things to me. And that’s also the thing, they don’t even think about what they’re saying to me or how they’re treating me. I feel like they have such little consideration for me even though I swallow so much pain for them. It’s just not fair. It’s like they think I’m a joke–like they don’t take me seriously because I’m always the one cracking jokes or not taking their comments seriously and just basically being optimistic as hell!

Is it so crazy that I think I deserve better?! 

Honestly, I wish I was around more people with a fucking self esteem.

I’m tired of trying to deal with everyone else’s twisted personal issues. Just because you all have the confidence of a garbage truck does not mean I have to be dragged down with you to suffer that.

I deserve better…I’m done. I’m out of all this.


Just how??

Guys are so brave omg

what I’ve noticed from my week and a half of being in college is that if a guy thinks a girl is cute he would sit as close to her as possible [right next to her if he could] but for me and idk if this is the same for other girls but when i see a cute guy i sit AS FAR as I possibly could from him!! Like on the other end of the room!

I can’t even begin to explain exactly why?!?? Maybe I’m shy but like idk??!?!?!



Is it just me or are guys REALLY obvious when they’re checking girls out??
I was at the DMV (AKA THE HELL-HOLE OFFICE OF SATAN HIMSELF) because my brother was taking his permit test ~which he passed btw hurray~ and while i was sitting there waiting for him to finish everything I kept noticing this guy who sat towards the front a couple seats ahead and across from me and he was just like turning his head all the way over his shoulder staring at me! And he kept looking over his back at me like multiple times! And even got his buddy to turn all the way around in his seat to stare mad hard too like wtffff
LIKE GUYS YOU DO KNOW HOW FREAKING OBVIOUS YOU ARE RIGHT?? Staring for several seconds for every couple of minutes! I just tried acting like I didn’t even notice cos seriously what am I going to do wave at him?? Say hi?! Like no we are at the DMV the least attractive atmosphere in the world.

Maybe guys just really don’t care though like honestly either they’re too dumb to notice when they’re drooling over a girl or they’re just being that way on purpose cos they have no shame and are just like i don’t currrrrr

or maybe i just looked funny and they were only staring to make fun of me…….or were just like in disbelief at how ugly i was IDK??!!!!


really idk

you boys are driving us crazy


I ended up not going out with that guy

It was just not right I couldn’t do it. I know I was never much of a romantic person to begin with–and that may have a lot to do with why I didn’t let impulse and feeling take over in this decision. But I am also a very independent person and a strong believer of not having anything hold you down. Especially at the point in life I am in right now. I am about to attend my first year in college this August and I have a lot of plans for my future [career wise] and being in any sort of relationship isn’t part of it.
A friend of mine told me that I should still give him and chance because he’s a nice guy and I need the experience. That really irked me because I’m pretty sure I have told her SEVERAL TIMES that I am and always has been single by choice and that I don’t need male attention to make me happy [like she freaking does all the time]. I do not need any experience with that right now, there are far more important things going on in my life that I want to give my undivided attention to. I am trying to build my LIFE over here, I don’t want or need a boyfriend to distract me from my studies.
I like to have fun, sure! But relationships are a commitment, they take a lot of time and effort and I’m sorry but I have my hands tied here I am dreaming way too big, there is no room in my heart for a boy right now! The guy would have to be pretty damn worth it to get my attention—like Sam freaking Witwer!
It irritates me that she doesn’t understand that.

Even if I slightly considered getting into a relationship, I wouldn’t want to settle with the first guy that gives even the slightest bit of attention to me! I’m sorry but I have standards!! No one should have to settle with less than what they want! Obviously if I was in love with someone I would do whatever I can to fit this guy into my life—but since I could care less about whether I ever even see him again or not THEN IT LOOKS LIKE HE’S NOT THE ONE!
I know when to cut my losses. I call it how I see it and trust me I am not seeing it. Excuse me if I sound like a total bitch but why should I have to settle??? I’M REALLY FRUSTRATED WITH HER SHE IS SO BASICCCC



So i’ve been talking to this guy a lot recently and like the very next day after we just started talking he already asked me out to the movies and like i don’t know what that means????? The word ‘date’ wasn’t used at all but you can sort of infer right??? AM I OVER LOOKING THIS??!?!?!?!!!?! I SAID YES SO HELP MEEEEEEEEEE I NEVER GONE OUT WITH BOY

my stomach hurts i hate this
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